
Our Whitehead Practice is long established serving the dental needs of the local community. Founded by Margaret Matthews from her home at The Cove in Islandmagee and moving in the 1980’s to our current location on Marine Parade, where many a nervous patient has been calmed by the fabulous views over Belfast Lough and beyond.
In 2007 Helen McClure took over the running of the practice until joining with the Clear Dental group in 2020.
We offer a broad range of dental and cosmetic treatments and pride ourselves on providing quality dental care in a relaxed and family friendly environment.
- Helen McClure GDC 69563
- Kenneth (Andy) Gordon GDC 68931
- Julianne (Kelly) Coard GDC 159129
- Danielle Aicken GDC 283035
- Megan Coard GDC 208883
- Laura Stephens GDC 297751
- Julianne (Kelly) Coard GDC 159129
- Megan Coard GDC 208883